Journal Paper Digests 2021 #32
Classification, segmentation and correlation of zoned minerals
Leveraging observed soil heterotrophic respiration fluxes as a novel constraint on global-scale models
Important constraints on soil organic carbon formation efficiency in subtropical and tropical grasslands
Tomography in Soil Science: From the First Experiments to Modern Methods (A Review)
The unexplored role of preferential flow in soil carbon dynamics
Journal Paper Digests 2021 #31
A clean energy future isn’t set in stone
Numerical soil horizon classification from South Africa’s legacy database
Spatial variability-based sample size allocation for stratified sampling
Soil nutrients increase long-term soil carbon gains threefold on retired farmland
Linking decomposition rates of soil organic amendments to their chemical composition
Papatuanuku, Earth Mother: indigenous knowledge in 21st century soil management
Journal Paper Digests 2021 #30
Soil properties: Their prediction and feature extraction from the LUCAS spectral library using deep convolutional neural networks
Assessing new sensor-based volume measurement methods for high-throughput bulk density estimation in the field under various soil conditions
Journal Paper Digests 2021 #29
Pedological characteristics of artificialized soils: A snapshot
How the composition of sandstone matrices affects rates of soil formation
Field test of two background temperature correction methods of dual probe heat pulse method
Agricultural Drought Prediction Based on Conditional Distributions of Vine Copulas
Advancing Space-Time Simulation of Random Fields: From Storms to Cyclones and Beyond
Mapping potential surface ponding in agriculture using UAV-SfM
Development of a soil fertility index using on-line Vis-NIR spectroscopy
Internet of Things (IoT) for double ring infiltrometer automation
A dual-probe heat pulse-based sensor that simultaneously determines soil thermal properties, soil water content and soil water matric potential
Journal Paper Digests 2021 #28
Proposed algorithm for the identification of rural areas with regard to variability of soil quality.
Use of metabolomics to quantify changes in soil microbial function in response to fertiliser nitrogen supply and extreme drought
Altered mineral mapping based on ground-airborne hyperspectral data and wavelet spectral angle mapper tri-training model: Case studies from Dehua-Youxi-Yongtai Ore District, Central Fujian, China
Iterative Deep Learning (IDL) for agricultural landscape classification using fine spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery