
This course describes and provides many detailed examples of implementing Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) using R. The work adheres to Digital Soil Mapping theory, and presents a strong focus on how to apply it. DSM exercises are also included and cover procedures for handling and manipulating soil and spatial data in R. The course also introduces the basic concepts and practices for building spatial soil prediction functions, and then ultimately producing digital soil maps.

The materials for this course follow closely with the materials found in the Using R for Digital Soil Mapping book. Depending on what resources you have available, you may either purchase the hard copy or the electronic version, in entirety or selected chapters. Of course most public and university libraries will also have a copy of the book for loan.

In addition to what is covered in that book, this course provides additional examples and easier navigation around the different content too. Importantly these pages will be updated with new materials when the opportunity allows, such as when new methods become available or existing examples need modification.

Topics covered in this course include:

To explore and follow the exercises in most of the the pages above you will need to have the R package ithir installed. Instructions for getting ithir installed are here

R session information that describes the configurations used for running R code successfully in the various pages of this course.